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Ballet with Beatrice Panero

27. September | 10:0011:30

This ballet class is designed for both contemporary and classical dancers curious about approaching ballet techniques somatically. The class provides artists with the opportunity to refine and perfect their technical skills. Through a detailed and somatic approach, the class focuses on the healthy alignment of the hips, knees, and ankles, as well as the flawless control of momentum, in harmony with breathing. In this context, artists have the opportunity to explore and deepen the subtle nuances of classical technique, enriching their artistic expression.

Beatrice Panero is a freelance choreographer, dance teacher and staff member at TPZ Lingen. She is a training leader for contemporary dance and ballet at TanzNetzDresden and a Master’s student in Dance Pedagogy at Palucca University Dresden. She obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Dance from the Rotterdam Dance Academy. In her activities as a dancer, choreographer, and dance teacher, she works at various cultural institutions and state theaters, with performances worldwide.

© Beatrice Panero

Please note that the schedule is subject to changes.

Registration is required only the first time you access Profitraining. For regular classes, you can attend at the scheduled time and location as indicated in the calendar or posted on our social media channels

These classes are meant primarily for professional dancers. Although advanced-level non-profis and students are welcome to join, IGTZ will evaluate and in some cases may refer amateurs to alternative classes.



27. September
10:00 – 11:30


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Tanzhaus Luzern
Grimselweg 3
Luzern, 6005
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