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PTZS meets TanzLuzern: Impro with Paula Alonso

25. Oktober | 10:0011:15

Profitraining Zentralschweiz meets TanzLuzern
Information about the format

Class description
In my classes I aim to help all the participants to connect with the pleasure of dancing and moving. Supported by the music, I guide an improvisation class that will encourage the participants to find all the qualities their bodies are able to experience and communicate, and the efficiency of the energy while dancing. Through different images we will explore the use of the space, movement qualities, tempos, intentions… and of course the use of the floor to help us move through the space and its different levels. The class is intended to be enjoyed by dancers of all kinds of backgrounds.

Originally from Spain, Paula Alonso received her classical dance training at the Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza in Madrid. She then continued her dance education at the Rotterdamse Dansacademie (Codarts), graduating with a Bachelor of Dance in 2007.
Paula has been a member of the companies Europa Dance, Bern Ballet, and the Hofesh Shechter Company. Dancing pieces of some of the most renowned choreographers. As a freelance dancer, Paula has collaborated with several companies and choreographers like Gallim Dance, Landerer and Company, Fernando Hernando Magadan, Jerome Bel, Simone Forti and Tabea Martin, amongst many others. She started teaching in 2014, while being a member of the Hofesh Shechter Company, teaching classes, workshops, and masterclasses all over the world. In 2016, Paula co-founded the dance festival Dansez Maintenant in Veretz, France.
Paula Alonso was rehearsal director and choreographic assistant of TanzLuzern in the season 2021/22.
She is a licensed Gyrotonic® trainer since the Spring 2023.

Paula Alonso ©Werner Rolli

Please note that the schedule is subject to changes.


Profitraining Zentralschweiz meets TanzLuzern is open only to professional dancers.


25. Oktober
10:00 – 11:15


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TanzLuzern Tanzsaal
Arsenalstr. 28
Kriens, 6010 Svizzera
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