PTZS meets TanzLuzern: Ballet with live-music with Pamela Monreale

TanzLuzern Tanzsaal Arsenalstr. 28, Kriens, Svizzera

Profitraining Zentralschweiz meets TanzLuzern Information about the format Class description The class focuses on correct posture, co-ordination and on the awareness of how the body moves in specific directions within itself, so that it can consequently move with freedom into space. Breathing and gathering of the energy efficiently, are important elements together with musicality and […]

Marta Allocco: «HARD SHELL» @TANZINOLTEN «Short Cuts»

Kulturzentrum Schützi, Olten Schützenmattweg 15, Olten, Switzerland

Dieses Tanzstück entstand aus dem Wunsch, die Grenzen des eigenen Handelns neu zu entdecken. Inspiriert von Fragen wie «Wie oft handeln wir impulsiv, ohne es zu merken?» oder «Wie oft ignorieren wir alternative Ansätze im Kontakt mit anderen?». «Hard Shell» untersucht die Dynamik zwischen zwei Menschen, die mutig den natürlichen Instinkten und Gefühlen folgen. Allocco […]

Südpol-dance: Gaga/people with Céline Barreau

Südpol Arsenalstr. 28, Kriens, Luzern, Switzerland

Südpol-dance format Gaga/people Lädt alle ab 16 dazu ein, sich in einem kreativen Rahmen mit dem eigenen Körper und der eigenen Vorstellungskraft zu verbinden, das Körperbewusstsein zu steigern, die Flexibilität und Ausdauer zu verbessern und vor allem die Freude an der Bewegung zu erleben Céline Barreau is an independent dance artist currently working in the […]

Südpol-Dance: November

Südpol Arsenalstr. 28, Kriens, Luzern, Switzerland

Would you like to Südpol-dance? Das Tagesprogramm besteht aus verschiedenen Teilen, die unabhängig voneinander besucht werden können. Das Program: 12.00-13.00: Gaga/people mit Céline Barreau (in English) 13.00-14.00: z‘Mittag 14.00-16.00: Intensive Tanzworkshop 16.00-18.00: Sharing Space 19.00-20.00: Dancescape mit Benjamin Pogonatos Gaga/people Lädt alle ab 16 dazu ein, sich in einem kreativen Rahmen mit dem eigenen Körper […]

Gaga/dancers with Céline Barreau

Tanzerei Langsägestrasse 2, Kriens, Schweiz

Gaga/dancers deepens dancers’ awareness of physical sensations, expands their palette of available movement options, enhances their ability to modulate their energy and engage their explosive power, and enriches their movement quality with a wide range of textures. The classes are built on the same principles as Gaga/people classes but also employ the specific vocabulary and […]

PTZS meets TanzLuzern: Contemporary Company Class with Victor Rottier

TanzLuzern Tanzsaal Arsenalstr. 28, Kriens, Svizzera

Profitraining Zentralschweiz meets TanzLuzern Information about the format Class description SLAM! During this class you will be challenged by a combination of floor work, improvisation and set material. The focus lies on continuation and overlapping movements to create a fluid-like quality. Aside from pushing boundaries the goal is to provide technical tools to support you while […]

Contemporary with Dor Mamalia

Tanzerei Langsägestrasse 2, Kriens, Schweiz

Class description As a dedicated dance artist with extensive experience in the field, Dor Mamalia explores the complexities of the dance world, driven by a desire to understand and apply correct movement principles. Despite facing numerous injuries, his quest for answers led him to find ways of maximizing range of motion and efficiency while safeguarding […]

Contemporary with Dor Mamalia

Tanzerei Langsägestrasse 2, Kriens, Schweiz

Class description As a dedicated dance artist with extensive experience in the field, Dor Mamalia explores the complexities of the dance world, driven by a desire to understand and apply correct movement principles. Despite facing numerous injuries, his quest for answers led him to find ways of maximizing range of motion and efficiency while safeguarding […]

Sheila Runa Lindauer: OPEN CIRCLE #4 «Die Ebene der Koexistenz: Körper, Klang und Interaktion»

Raum für Kultur, Atelier Jäger Unterdorfstrasse 20, Pfäffikon, Switzerland

Im vierten Open Circle erforschen Arlette Dellers, Sheila Lindauer und Pia Ringel (Tanz) sowie Iman Ibragic (Musik) die Koexistenz von Körper und Klang durch Interaktion. Die Künstlerinnen arbeiten am Tag der Performance mit vorbereiteten Konzepten, diskutieren und kombinieren diese neu, um die tiefsten Verbindungen herauszuarbeiten. Körper und Klang, die über Worte hinaus kommunizieren, schaffen so […]

Contemporary with Heidi Weiss

Tanzerei Langsägestrasse 2, Kriens, Schweiz

Class description Heidi Weiss teaches a structured contemporary technique class (weissmann technique) which has strong roots in modern dance. The class combines strengthening elements with release-based exercises that emphasise breath and flow. The training begins with a focus on the center through basic yoga poses and continues with technical movement exercises (plies, foot work, floor […]